Recipe Cards: The Best Way to Keep Your Drinks Consistent

One thing big coffee chains do well is consistent drinks. Each drink is made the same way every time. You can make this happen in your coffee shop! Part of it is training your employees well, but the biggest thing you can do to keep your drinks the most consistent is to use recipe cards.

What are Coffee Recipe Cards?

Coffee, Recipe Cards: The Best Way to Keep Your Drinks Consistent

Coffee, Recipe Cards: The Best Way to Keep Your Drinks Consistent

Recipe cards are simple, easy-to-read versions of your recipes. They're a reminder to your employees of how to make all your drinks. With cocktail recipe card templates, you can keep your drinks consistent without any trouble!!

How to Make Recipe Cards

Caramel Coffee, Recipe Cards: The Best Way to Keep Your Drinks Consistent

Caramel Coffee, Recipe Cards: The Best Way to Keep Your Drinks Consistent

The best way to make drink recipe cards is to type out your recipes and laminate them. This way, they're waterproof and easy to read. When you train your employees, make sure they know how to read your recipe cards. If you use abbreviations, make a guide so they know exactly what you mean.

If you are wondering how to make recipe cards? We made a coffee and cocktal recipe card template that you can easily add your own recipes to!

Click here to download it!

Recipe cards are a great way to keep your drinks consistent. Your employees can make the best drinks without having to memorize every recipe. Recipe cards are the perfect way to keep your coffee shop consistent!

Denise, Recipe Cards: the Best way to keep your drinks consistent


The question is fairly easy to answer. Make sure you have a variety of different favors, and having vegan and gluten-free choices. This allows stores to accommodate to the needs of their customers.

creating an inviting atmosphere that is comfortable, clean, and well-lit setting can help increase of retaining your customers.

It starts with innovation so why did you start the business in the first place with you are you trying to be. Some other factors are customer service and being profitable.

Having a website is another way to keep your customers engaged with your shop. By having a website you can keep your customers in the loop of valuable information like, opening hours, menu offering and other promotions that are going on.